Wednesday 23 July 2014

Young Man Tells His Dream about Hell

This young man shares his testimony about hell.   In this dream, he saw the Devil on one side and on the other side there were demons celebrating, because of all the souls falling into hell.  They were falling into a deep pit.   We believe it, because how he describes the scene reminds us of other testimonies we've heard.    God gave this young man this dream to share with us, because He wants us to know how real hell is.  Also, God wants us to ignore all of these false prophets like Bishop Carlton Pearson, claiming that there is no hell and no Satan.  This young man encourages at the end of this video to stay away from sin and live holy and righteous. 

We want to forewarn you not to take these testimonies about hell, lightly.  When a person tells you that they've had a near death experience or a dream about heaven or hell, it's very real.  We are living in the last days and if you notice, we as Christians have been faced with some of the worst trials in our lives.  It's simply because Satan wants our souls.

God bless you and thanks for reading SCR.

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