Wednesday 23 July 2014

Homeless Man Gives A Testimony and a Praise Dance at COGIC AIM Convention!!

Saints of God, although this was back in 2013, we wanted to share this homeless man's testimony.  Not too often do people from the church invite homeless people in God's House, but at the AIM Convention that's just what this woman of God did.  She told this homeless man to walk into the church at a certain time and not only did he get up in front of the church and give his testimony, he praised God.  All the saints did a praise dance with him and they had a glorious time.   We tell you, if life has been hard for you, God can change it.  Just like he touched this man, he will not only touch you, he will bless you.   

Before you watch this video, we want to let you know, if we could get more homeless people to just come into the church as they are, we know the body of Christ would change.   We heard one rich and famous preacher in Los Angeles say that homeless people could come into his church, just take a bath first, but it looks like at this COGIC church in Baltimore, this man obeyed the woman of God and was embraced just how he was, right off the streets.  Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!!

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