Sunday 15 June 2014

Transsexual Returns to Original Gender After Relationship With Jesus Christ

This man of God shares his story of real transformation, after accepting a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.   Walt Heyer once changed his gender into a woman, but came to realize that wasn't who he really was.   As a child, his grandmother used to dress him up as though he was a girl and then Heyer's uncle molested him.  However, after realizing he did not have to accept something that was enforced on him as a child through Jesus Christ his life was changed, completely. 

Saints of God, we ought to rejoice for this man's deliverance.  Do you know what a spiritual battle it is to wonder who you are as an individual?  A transgender/transsexual lifestyle is much different than being a homosexual, allegedly.  It's just as strong, but the repeated thoughts that come to mind to change your sex can be a very awkward feeling for some people.  Praise God for Walt Heyer's deliverance, the angels in heaven are rejoicing.

Transsexual Returns to Original Gender After Relationship With Christ

By Jeff Schapiro, Christian Post Reporter

Walt Heyer says that no one can really change their gender. He should know, too, because he's tried.

When he was only about five years old, Heyer's grandmother began to...Read full article, here.

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