Thursday 12 June 2014

Rev. Anthony Evans Is Assisting Black Churches Fight Financial Debt

It's very rare we hear of a minister helping black churches eliminate debt, they mostly just preach about prosperity, big difference.  Rev. Anthony Evans calls debt a sin and does what he can to help through his organization, 'National Black Church Initiative (NBCI).  NBCI helps African Americans get rid of debt by saving one year's job salary in a 7 year period, which is very good.   Don't we wish there more ministers like Rev. Evans who help fight debt in the black church than just preach about it?

Rev. Anthony Evans Is Helping Black Churches Fight Against Debt

The Eleventh Commandment, according to Rev. Anthony Evans, Director of the National Black Church Initiative (NBCI) is “Thou Shalt Have Relief From Outstanding Debt,” calling debt a sin. Evans’ dream, and the foremost mission of...Read full article, here.


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