Saturday 17 May 2014

Pastor Arrested and Jailed for Holding Pro-Life Sign at Busy Intersection

Pastor Stephen Joiner has faced persecution for holding a sign against abortion.  Some of you may say, he's was in the middle of an intersection, but if he was a homosexual activist, possibly he would not be arrested.  You see, we Christians are the minority in this country, because we are not just against homosexuality as God's Word says, but against all sin, and abortion in one of them.  Therefore, Pastor Joiner is being arrested because he is standing up for what's right, it should be obvious.

Pastor Arrested and Jailed for Holding Pro-Life Sign at Busy Intersection

by Liberty Counsel | Columbus,MS | 

Today Liberty Counsel filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the City of Columbus in Mississippi and Police Captain Frederick Shelton on behalf of Pastor Stephen Joiner, who was arrested and jailed for four hours simply for holding a sign stating that abortion kills children alongside a busy intersection in...Read full article, here.


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