Sunday 18 May 2014

Celebrity News: Tyler Perry Praying for God to Help Him to Be the Best Father in the Future

Celebrity producer and actor, Tyler Perry really is making a strong statement.  He allegedly stated, he is praying for God to bless his future as a father.  When is the last time you heard a black man or of any other race admit that sort of prayer?   Tyler Perry certainly is making a positive example as a real man and we pray there are more men who will follow after him and pray that same prayer.  However, that prayer shouldn't be just for men, but we pray for women to do the same and become responsible mothers. God bless him.

Tyler Perry Praying for God to Help Him (One Day) Be the Best Father He Can Be

Hey Guys,

In my prayer and quiet time at 5 am, I was praying about how to (one day) be the best father that I can be. I have no doubt that I will be a great dad, but as I looked back in my life for an example, all I could remember were all of...Read full article, here.

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