Friday 9 May 2014

Jeffco pastor charged in rape of 13-year-old arrested again for sex abuse of another teen

Here we go again saints of God, another pastor has took advantage of a teen.  Fifty-eight year old, associate pastor, Tyrone Banks, Sr. raped a 13-year-old girl. You ever wonder why there are so many lesbians growing up in the black church, simply because of nasty men sexually molesting them when they are young girls and teens? Again, the only way to fight this demon is for us to unite and pray, not only that, start speaking out about it.   It does not matter how long a minister has been preaching, they must step down and repent once they have violated a child.  However, in the meantime, we pray that Banks gets it right before it's everlasting too late.

Jeffco pastor charged in rape of 13-year-old arrested again for sex abuse of another teen 

By Carol Robinson

PLEASANT GROVE, Alabama - A 58-year-old man arrested on charges he raped a 13-year-old girl inside a Jefferson County church is back in jail after a second victim came forward.

Pleasant Grove police on Wednesday morning re-arrested...Read full article, here.

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