Monday 5 May 2014

Bishop Herman Murray of Full Gospel Holy Temple Preaches the Truth About Sin

Saints of God, we don't hear this type of preaching anymore.  Bishop Herman Murray preaches about sin and how there are some people who do not want to hear the truth.  However, as we all know if we don't here the truth, we cannot be free, spiritually.  Thank God for Bishop Herman Murray not changing his style of preaching in the 21st century.  

Yes, sin will get us all in hell, if we don't repent and yield to God, completely.  Tell us, how many preachers in this age will preach against sin?  Not many.   Therefore, God is certainly using Bishop Herman Murray to admit the truth and those of you who sincerely want to live holy, won't mind hearing the truth, that's the only way to fully surrender to the Lord and say yes to Him.

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