Monday 5 May 2014

Bishop Herman Murray Jr. of Full Gospel Holy Temple Preaches about Wickedness in our Time

Bishop Herman Murray is preaching about wickedness we are experiencing in the last days.  Whether you want to accept it or not, we are living in an evil age.  The laws are changing to please the flesh and not God.  The laws in our country are a sign Jesus is coming back very soon.  Just look at the laws in California, according to gender identity, you can choose whatever bathroom you want to, which is not safe for any child or adult.   Saints of God, wickedness is very prevalent and don't be surprise the tests and trials you face if you refuse to accept the wicked laws of this era.  Praise God, for such a Godly man in this day and age when many people in the church are yielding to this world and not submitting to pure holiness.  The name of this following sermon is 'Hand Writing', Part I.

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