Sunday 3 August 2014

Pastor Tony Evans Says Many Pastors Don’t Have a Vision, Just a Job

Pastor Tony Evans tells the truth about many pastor today.  On this following video, he admits that many of them have a job, but not a vision.   We see it all the time, pastors caring about their first families, but many homeless people walking the streets with no place to go.   Just like over 20 years ago, we see much crime within the black community and while many black churches have turned into multicultural gatherings there is much division among African Americans.   There is so much division within the black community, we yet see blacks killing blacks just like over 20 years ago.   Therefore, these pastors maybe very successful with their multimillion dollar jobs as the CEO of their corporate ministries, but souls are yet going to hell every second, which includes all races.

Watch Video


Dr. Tony Evans: ‘As Your Church Goes, So Goes Your Community’; Says Many Pastors Don’t Have a Vision, Just a Job

Pastor and bestselling author Dr. Tony Evans is the guest on this special episode of The Exchange recorded from the National Religious Broadcasters Convention held in Nashville, Tennessee.

Dr. Evans shared some practical keys to sermon preparation, church and...Read full article, here.

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