Monday 28 July 2014

Sudanese Christian Mother Meriam Ibrahim to Arrive in America

Meriam Ibrahim and her family will arrive is supposed to arrive in America this week.  We are so happy God made a way for her to escape the Sudan government.  However, when you look at the core of the situation, it's very sad, because really America is trying to become the same way.  

Ibrahim has escaped death in her native country, but over here, we are constantly being threatened by not only some Muslims, but also atheists and Satanists.   All nations are combating the same demon to take away our religious freedom. Almost everyday, we are reading headlines that reveal many Christians harassed and bullied for preaching against homosexuality, stating their opinion against homosexuality based on God's Word, for reading the Bible on the job, having bible study in their homes, praying with people on the job, running Christian advertisements in public and the list goes on.  Therefore, although Meriam Ibrahim is free and God blessed her to keep her life, she may not like what she learns about America.

In the meantime, we will keep you posted on Meriam Ibrahim after she and her family arrives here, in America.

Sudanese Christian Mother Meriam Ibrahim to Arrive in New Hampshire This Week

By Anugrah Kumar , Christian Post Contributor

Meriam Ibrahim, a young Christian mother from Sudan who refused to renounce her faith even after she was placed on death row for it, is expected to fly from Rome to New Hampshire with her family this week to settle in...Read full article, here.


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