Thursday 31 July 2014

Satanic black mass coming to Oklahoma civic center

The news about this Satanic mass to be held at Oklahoma's Civic Center does not surprise us.  It's all a blueprint designed by the Devil.  As you noticed we first heard about a satanic organization creating a statue of Satan on the lawn of the statehouse back in May of this year, 2014.  Now, it seems as though power has been given to them to hold this event at the civic center.  See it for yourself, here.

According to, although city officials approved the black mass, the petitioners hope that their efforts will encourage the event organizers to hold their ceremony elsewhere.

Furthermore, we want you Christians to realize how serious this is, there are many music artists who are satanists, along with some politicians and even some rich and famous pastors of mega-churches, allegedly. This is one of the main reasons why we are allegedly seeing the globe and no cross in a lot of these churches.  If you noticed they have props and stand up teaching as though they are motivational speakers, this is to fool church people into giving them money while they secretly belong to the secret society and get rich off of tithes and offerings.  That's right, they are a part of the secret society, which is an alleged organization for satanists.   This is why we see them rising up as though they have more rights than we do in this country, not just devil worshipers, but also atheists (who claim they are not satanists, allegedly).   This is why we are not surprised if the rapture takes place, very soon, we're living in the last days.

Before we let you go, we've just got to inform you about our true feelings, regarding Bishop Carlton Pearson. Now, although he allegedly claims he does not believe in a hell or the Devil.  Why is it after his church closed up in Oklahoma, satanists have came there to make a point to this entire country of their alleged dominion?  You see?  Years later Pearson's mega-church, Higher Dimensions, which united different Christian races together is gone and now, satanists have flocked to the state as though they are on an assignment for the Devil.  It was all planned by the Devil and his demons. 

In the meantime, we pray they hold no satanic ceremonies in the United States and this includes other nations in the world.   They claim they've got over 30, 000 petitions against this event, but it ought to be much more than that opposing it. 

Satanic black mass coming to Oklahoma civic center

Brownie Marie

Tens of thousands of concerned citizens have signed a petition to block a satanic black mass from coming to the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall.

Although city officials approved the black mass, the petitioners hope...Read full article, here.


Photo: Black Christian News/Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall. (Photo Credit: Charles Swaney)

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