Sunday 27 July 2014

Pastor Charles Jenkins Allegedly Associated with Crooked Business Partner Raided by FBI

Not only has Pastor Charles Jenkins allegedly had an eight year affair, but he also has been associated with an alleged crook, but the name of LaVan Hawkins.  Hawkins has been raided by the FBI.  Pastor Jenkins has been associating business affairs with his church member since 2007, possibly prior to that year.   Of course, God forgives any minister who makes personal mistakes and of course, he is supposed to minister to people and help make them better.  However, we wonder has Jenkins counseled Hawkins about his problems?

According to, Hawkins was also a member and regular attendee at Fellowship Sunday services.  In 2009 LaVan Hawkins was sentenced to serve 10 months in a federal prison after a conviction for failing to pay federal withholding and Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxes. A Chicago native, Hawkins had previously been convicted on federal charges in 2007 for wire fraud in Philadelphia. In that case he was sentenced to 33 months in prison. Hawkins served his second sentence concurrently with the first. 

In the meantime, we will keep Pastor Charles Jenkins and LaVan Hawkins in our prayers.  Thanks for reading and God bless.

Pastor Charles Jenkins Business Partner Raided By FBI: More Shady Relationships? Chicago Bureau

As more details emerged this week into the FBI raid of a company planning a charter school in Chatham that is partnered with Rev. Charles Jenkins, the Crusader has discovered this is...Read full article, here.

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