Wednesday 9 July 2014

Hollywood News: Prayer Vigil Held for Comedian Ardie Fuqua, Injured in Car Wreck with Tracy Morgan

Comedian Ardie Fugua was in the car wreck that injured Tracy Morgan.  Although he's responding his family has requested prayer for him.  In our opinion it seems like God is trying to get the attention of celebrities. Although, he did not cause the accident, but allowed it for a reason.  It does not matter that it was mostly comedians involved, God is trying to get the attention for the entire Hollywood industry to fully repent and surrender to Him.

Thank God, Fugua is yet alive and we will keep him in our prayers.

Prayer Vigil Held for Ardie Fuqua, Comedian Who Was Injured in Car Wreck with Tracy Morgan
A prayer vigil was held in New Jersey on Monday night for Ardie Fuqua, the comedian who was injured in the same highway crash that injured Tracy Morgan.

Fuqua’s mother, Doris, said he is in good spirits, and is getting three hours of...Read full article, here.

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