Wednesday 30 July 2014

Hollywood News: No, Christians Should Not Believe in 'Left Behind's' Rapture Theology, Says Prominent Apologist

In our opinion, there's going to be a lot of theologians in hell.   We think Satan is using William Craig who is a professor of Philosophy, simply because he's opposing the movie, 'Left Behind.'  He allegedly argues that the creators of the movie are in error, because the book of Revelations says nothing about the rapture, but it does in Thessalonians.  However, regardless of where-ever the Bible speaks about the rapture, the main thing is, we've got to be ready when Jesus Christ comes back.

According to , "This doctrine is not really found in the book of Revelation. If you read the book of Revelation, you won't find any mention of the rapture there," William Craig, a Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology and Professor of Philosophy at Houston Baptist University.

We feel very sorry for William Craig and many other theologians who debate over the Word of God, because it's a sin to argue.  God wants us to focus on perfecting ourselves in holiness and righteousness, not focusing on what's wrong about a movie forewarning us about His return.

No, Christians Should Not Believe in 'Left Behind's' Rapture Theology, Says Prominent Apologist

By Morgan Lee , Christian Post Reporter

Several months before "Left Behind" opens in theaters, a prominent Christian apologist is reminding the American church that the movie's claims about the...Read full article, here. 

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