Sunday 6 July 2014

Does God Approve of Will Smith's Ex-Wife, First Lady Sheree and Her Husband Pastor Terrell Fletcher Being On 'Hollywood Exes?'

We are going to first give you a prophetic word from the Lord, God is not pleased at the Fletcher's appearance on the reality show, 'Hollywood Exes.'  If the two of them desire to win Will and Jada into the Kingdom of God, they must first fully separate from the celebrity lifestyle and show the light of Jesus Christ.  Now, Sheree may be very close to Eddie Murphy's ex-wife, Nicole, but-God wants them to totally separate and tend to the church.  For too many lost souls are going to hell, too many couples in the church need to see a bond between the pastor and his wife over the church and too many newly saved women need a strong first lady to help them know how to live a holy lifestyle.  

Allegedly, the discussion on this reality show, was about her stepping down from the women's ministry at City of Hope to go for her dream.  However, God expects her to be present at all times with the women in the church, because she is the first lady and she is supposed to be an example for them to follow.   Often, we have watched their Sunday services shown on their church website and we wondered why we didn't see her much, but of course, we thought we saw one video of her speaking.     Now, God is going to have the last say, and the 'Fletcher's' will have to give an account, if they do not obey Him, simply because God says, 'no man can serve two masters, he'll either hate one or love the other...', which can be found in Matthew 6:24.  

It's time we stop playing church and half-stepping with Hollywood. We don't care who idolizes this couple and if they don't like it, God wants their church with a pastor and a first lady by his side all the time.  This is what's wrong with the black church, too many pastors and first ladies are not revealing themselves as one yoke and choosing fame and fortune, allegedly.  This just does not go for the 'Fletcher's', but any married pastor and wife who is not properly representing themselves as the first couple.

Pastor Fletcher allegedly stated he wants his wife to go into a positive place of what God is maximazing of what God is doing for her.  Really how can she receive her full potential, if she is not giving it first, as the first lady of their church?  How can she receive from God, if she is not present every Sunday to help other women who are not so fortunate to receive their full blessing from God?  Come on, be real!

Furthermore, we will keep the Fletcher's in our prayers, because they are going to need it, God is very angry.  God says, for her to get off the show, before she becomes what the title is.

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