Friday 4 July 2014

Christian Therapist Suspended for Praying With Muslim Coworker at UK Govt Healthcare Facility

In our opinion, it seems like Satan plotted to get this Christian therapist in trouble.   Victoria Wasteney has been suspended for praying with her co-worker who is a Muslim.  Now, this colleague was interested in knowing about Victoria's faith.  So, ask yourself this question why would she allegedly turn her in, after receiving prayer from her? 

 In June 2013, the colleague raised a complaint against Wasteney, who was called before the associate director of therapies the next day and suspended for nine months pending an investigation.   

If some Muslim allegedly claim we serve the same God as they do, then why is there friction among us? This tells us that there is no such a thing as 'Chrislam', allegedly.

Christian Therapist Suspended for Praying With Muslim Coworker at UK Govt Healthcare Facility 

by Christian Concern

A Christian occupational therapist has been disciplined for praying for a Muslim colleague, despite being encouraged by the colleague to talk about her faith.

Victoria Wasteney, head of occupational therapy at the East London NHS (National Health Service) trust...Read full article, here.

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