Monday 28 July 2014

Christian Man in Texas Cleared of Rape After 12 Years in Prison Talks About Faith in God

For those of you who don't believe God does not hear a prisoner's prayers, you are very wrong.  Michael Phillips, 57, a Texas citizen put all his trust in God, because he knew he did not do anything wrong. After 12 long years of being accused of raping a teen back in 1990, he has been released and he gives praise to God.  Thank God for DNA, if it was not invented Phillips would still be in prison.

Texas Man Finally Cleared of Rape After 12 Years in Prison Says His Faith Has Been Strengthened; 'My Father God Was Behind Everything'

By Nicola Menzie , Christian Post Reporter

A 57-year-old Texas man cleared this week of raping a teen girl in 1990 told reporters that he was only able to cope with being branded a guilty man...Read full article, here.

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