Monday 7 July 2014

Benny Hinn's Former Church to Be Sold in Foreclosure Auction

Although, we maybe somewhat out of a recession, there are yet some churches that are struggling to remain open.  Benny Hinn's former church is going to be sold.  Pastor Clint Brown was the pastor of Faith World Center.  We wonder if Benny Hinn was yet the pastor of the church would the property had gone into foreclosure. 

About a decade ago, questions were raised about Pastor Brown's personal finances. His lifestyle included Rolex watches, Las Vegas shopping sprees and a 4,455-square-foot home in Alaqua Lakes, with a $7,000 monthly mortgage paid by Faith World, according to the Sentinel.  

It's very sad when churches are sold, because this means financial assets are lost.  In the meantime, we will keep Pastor Clint Brown in our prayers.

Benny Hinn's Former Church to Be Sold in Foreclosure Auction

By Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor

Clint Brown, the pastor of Faith World Center in Florida, televangelist Benny Hinn's former church, is holding worship services at a school with a new name for his church, as...Read full article, here.

Source and Photo:
Photo: Orlando Sentinel


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