Tuesday 17 June 2014

Rick Warren Admits Pastors May Have to Go to Jail in Defense of Religious Liberty

We may not agree with everything Pastor Rick Warren has preached, but he's telling the truth about our religious rights being taken away.  However, the comparison to Dr. King's struggle is very twisted, because while gays are using it as their civil rights, they are taking our rights.  That's why we questioned in a previous article, was it God who used Dr. Martin Luther King or was it a strategy by Satan to make Christians powerless today? 

According to christianpost.com, Warren argued that religious freedom is "being attacked on all kinds of fronts," citing Christian college groups, zoning laws and Hobby Lobby.  

One of the biggest reasons, we are having such a battle is simply because of the silence among pastors who refuse to preach what is right while becoming universal to accept all beliefs, which are not ordained by Jesus Christ.

Rick Warren: Pastors May Have to Go to Jail in Defense of Religious Liberty 

BALTIMORE — With religious liberty under assault on multiple fronts, there may come a point in which pastors have to go to jail to defend their freedom...Read full article, here.


Source and Photo: christianpost.com

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