Sunday 1 June 2014

Pastor Robert Anthony Schuller, Starts ‘The Gathering’ Church

Robert Anthony Schuller and his wife, Donna has started a church in Mexico.  Indeed, we feel God has called him to do so, not just because of his previous issues with his father's church, but because not every pastor's son needs to take his father's position after he retires.  Often times, God wants a pastor's son or daughter to start their own ministry so their will be no feud.  Possibly, "The Gathering" will be grow to be bigger than Crystal Cathedral and draw many souls to Christ.

Son of Robert H. Schuller, Robert Anthony Schuller, Starts ‘The Gathering’ Church In Mexico

It’s a long way from the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California, to a small church for ex-pats in Los Cabos, Baja California — 1,123.4 miles to be exact – but that’s the move that Dr. Robert A. Schuller and his wife...Read full article, here.

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