Sunday 8 June 2014

Pastor Joel Osteen to Meet with the Pope

Pastor Joel Osteen is supposed to allegedly meet with the pope, along with two others.  Of course, this does not surprise us, because there is a discreet society among the elites to create a One World Church.  This is one reason why some pastors of mega ministries have enforced no more denominations for the past 30 years.   Therefore, many of you who are truly holy should be wise and not follow certain pastors who are mingling with clergy members of other religious organizations who could be a part of the One World Church, which is the New World Order.  Allegedly, this secret society is a part of the Illuminati which is willing to accept the Mark of the Beast.

Joel Osteen, Mormon Senator Among Other US Leaders to Meet With the Pope – Uh oh! Here Comes the One World Church; Get Ready to Get Raptured Out of Here, You Saved Ones

A small group of political and religious leaders from the United States, including Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, met privately with Pope Francis at the Vatican today.

Part of a multiday, unofficial visit to Italy to promote ecumenical prayer and interfaith understanding, Lee was joined in...Read full article, here.

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