Friday 6 June 2014

Nigerian Pastor Kidnapped, Church Destroyed as Boko Haram Kills 29 Christians

Saints of God, we know America is in trouble and we've got to hold our country up in prayer, but we also need to pray for our foreign brothers and sisters in Christ.  There are pastor's being threatened for spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.  This pastor in Nigeria has been kidnapped and his church was destroyed.  Furthermore, 29 Christians have been killed.   Do you realize how serious this spiritual battle is? Do you realize how many people are on an agenda for Satan to rob of us of our freedom to serve Christ?   This is very serious saints and we must not just pray, but love and unite with only those who are completely obedient to God's Word.  

In the meantime, we pray Adamu Musa is safe and yet alive and will continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in foreign countries. 

Pastor Kidnapped, Church Burned as Boko Haram Kills 29 Christians in Nigeria

By Morning Star News

While international media sights have been justifiably fixed on 276 girls kidnapped from Chibok, Borno state, Islamic extremists last week killed Christians...Read full article, here.

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