Saturday 28 June 2014

Nashville Pastor Under Fire For Licensing Women Ministers

In this day and age, we can't understand why some people still believe women cannot be ordained ministers. Pastor Frank Stevenson of St. Luke's Primitive Baptist Church is stirring up controversy, because he's breaking the barrier of the denomination's ancient tradition against women preachers.   With all the problems we have in this country with our religious freedom being taken away who has time to debate if women should be ordain ministers or not.  So many men are messing up, why not let God use women?

How Primitive: Nashville Pastor Under Fire For Licensing Women Ministers

These days, it is becoming increasingly commonplace to see women pastors and preachers like Jasmine Sculark, Paula White, Cindy Trimm, and Joyce Meyer go forth in ministry. But not everyone agrees that they

A Nashville pastor is in scorching hot water with his denomination...Read full article, here.

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