Friday 6 June 2014

Jamal Bryant Apologizes for Anyone He Offended With Sermon, But Stands by His Words

On the James Fortune Show, Pastor Jamal Bryant says he's sorry for offending anyone.  He explained different women in the Bible, but we don't think they were called hoes, according to their profession as prostitutes. According to our knowledge, these women became great, regardless of their past lives as prostitutes, so Bryant is not excused.  If you would like you can read what we wrote about a couple of these types of women in the Bible in our previous post about Bryant's statement.

On this following clip, he also says people can go and hear the entire sermon, so they can understand.  However, we really think many people are so hurt by the church so bad, they don't want to hear anything else this man has to say.  The way those ignorant women and men cheered Bryant on, who would go back in their right mind to hear the entire sermon?  Pleeease!  Straight to the point, Jesus Christ would never insult women and find an explanation for doing so.  As a man or woman of God, you must preach and behave like our Savior.

Listen to Video Clip

LISTEN: Jamal Bryant Apologizes for Anyone He Offended With Sermon, But Stands by His Words

Pastor Jamal Bryant recently came under fire after a clip was released from a sermon where he used a line from a popular Chris Brown song...Read full article, here.

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