Sunday 15 June 2014

Is Joel Osteen Charging $850 per Ticket While on Tour? Shame, Shame...

It's a shame Pastor Joel Osteen is allegedly charging $850 for people to come hear him preach.  Do you recall how money was stolen from his safe at his church and we assumed it could have been an inside job?   This is possibly why, greed, pure greed and God is not pleased.  God wants us to pay tithes and offerings, but not to hear the gospel.   

Pastor Joel Osteen could be in trouble with God if he (and his wife, Gloria) does not repent, because we recall some people who had near death experiences seeing pastors in hell for theft.  That's what Jesus calls these greedy ministers taking money from people, theft.   There were even a few hell testimonies we've heard of actual pastors who could have been in hell for their greed.  Joel Osteen better be careful, because he is really not called to preach like his father in our opinion, he's in it for the money, allegedly.

If you haven't heard a hell testimony about it, here is one of them below.

Listen to Pastor Yong Gyu Park Testimony

Pastor Daniel Ekechukwu's hell testimony

Joel Osteen Tour Ticket Prices Reach $850: Cost Of Gospel Hits All Time High!

According to Essence Music Festival - a 3 day pass to see Prince, Lionel Richie, Mary J Blige, Erykah Badu and more on (July 4-6, 2014) in New Orleans is only $249, with 111 tickets remaining. Considering that lineup of Superstar Talent, how much would you pay to hear...Read full article, here.

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