Wednesday 4 June 2014

Dr. Jamal Bryant Allegedly Disrespects Some Women In the Pulpit – “These Hoes Ain’t Loyal”

We're going to be blunt with you saints of God, we really don't think Pastor Jamal Bryant is called to preach.  His father maybe a bishop, but any man who disrespects women in the pulpit should not be in the position of any sort of minister.  Who he calls hoes are the very women Jesus ministered to in the New Testament, Jesus loved women who made mistakes.  The woman who married several men and then there was the prostitute.   If a man or woman cannot love and preach like Jesus Christ, then he or she should be immediately removed from the ministry. Allegedly, Bryant says hoes are not loyal, but who is he talking about, himself?  Because who you call a hoe comes back to you.  There are some whorish men, you know and he might be just one of them.  

No man or woman of God should be quoting a statement from no secular entertainer.  "These Hoes Ain't Loyal" comes from Chris Brown, an unsaved music celebrity. Now, what type of music does Bryant listen to.  We know he listens to rap, because before allegedly changed from it's old platform, Bryant allegedly had some hardcore rap on his profile and it was nasty.

Furthermore, the way his congregants cheered him on reveals he does not have a spirit-filled church.  Bryant should not got any support, because he called women hoes, allegedly.

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Jamal H. Bryant Quotes Chris Brown In the Pulpit – “These Hoes Ain’t Loyal”

During a sermon, Pastor Jamal H. Bryant, of the Empowerment Temple in Baltimore, MD. told his congregation how he really...Read full article, here.


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