Monday 2 June 2014

Celebrity News: Donald Sterling spends Sunday in predominantly black church in LA

It's as though we can comprehend Sterling's visit to a predominantly black church this past Sunday.  We just gave you the report that his mistress, V. Stiviano was just beat and punched in the face. Do you want to know when it happened?  On Sunday evening, the same day Sterling goes to this black church.  It is so obvious, the attack could have been allegedly planned by Sterling and/or his wife.  Another thing, we wonder has Sterling ever been among black people in church?  If so, it must have been because he didn't want to look racist or to get support for an organization that would bring in some money. 

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Donald Sterling spends Sunday in predominantly black church in LA 

 Fox Sports

Less than a week after his estranged wife brokered the sale of his team, disgraced Clippers owner Donald Sterling spent Sunday at the last place just about anyone would expect.

A predominantly black church in South...Read full article, here.

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