Thursday 29 May 2014

Sudanese Woman Facing Death for Christian Faith Gives Birth in Jail

Saints of God, this is an update, regarding the woman in Sudan who is facing death for her faith.  Meriam Ibrahim who is facing death for Christianity has just had a baby girl in jail.  We are so happy God gave a miracle in the midst of this mother's trial.  If God can bring a newborn into the world, surely he can save Ibrahim's life. 

In the meantime, we will keep Meriam Ibrahim and her husband in our prayers.

Pregnant Sudanese Woman Imprisoned for Christian Faith Gives Birth to Baby Girl in Jail

A pregnant Sudanese woman who was sentenced to death after she refused to renounce her Christian faith has given birth to a baby girl.

Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, 27, delivered her baby in a Sudanese prison on Monday. Her husband was not allowed to be with...Read full article, here.

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