Sunday 11 May 2014

Photographer James C. Lewis Presents “Icons Of The Bible” as People of Color

It's very nice that there are still some artists who reveal biblical characters as who they really were, black and people of color.  Photographer reveals "Icons of the Bible",depicts some of the most famous characters from the Old and New Testament exclusively as people of color, including Simon Peter, Elijah, King Solomon and the archangel Gabriel, according to  That's the truth, they were people of color.  However, it's very sad that many people of color today don't serve God and do not love and respect each other.   Great artists can reveal the truth about what color people were in the Bible, but the core of the problem of today is that many blacks, Hispanics and Asians idolize white people and try to escape who they are.  Many of them refuse to repent and worship God.  Tell us, is it more important for people to know what color people in the Bible were or is it more important for them to totally submit to God and love and respect each other among the darker races?

Photographer James C. Lewis Presents “Icons Of The Bible” as People of Color

Plenty of films have taken a stab at bringing Bible stories to life, from “The Ten Commandments” and “Jesus Christ: Superstar” to this year’s “Son of God” and “Noah.” But despite those movies’ different genres and tones, these films all tend to...Read full article, here.

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