Monday, 26 May 2014

Pastor Charles Jenkins Reportedly Admitted to his Church that he Had an 8-Year Adulterous Affair

We don't ever recall any affair when Rev. Clay Evans was the pastor of Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church of Chicago.  For as long as Pastor Evans was the pastor, he was not just blessed as a righteous leader, but also blessed as a legendary gospel singer.   Do you noticed since this guy, Pastor Charles Jenkins has been the pastor, the church choir has no longer been popular?  It's simply because of sin.  Now, more mess is coming out, Jenkins just didn't allegedly reveal naked photos of himself on FB, but he has also had an 8 year affair with this woman (b. photo), and she was paid over $100,000 annual salary as his secretary. 

According to Black Christian News, Pastor Charles Jenkins fired two church officials in order to pay Mundi Griffin a six figure salary.   Also according to this same source, Mundi denies ever doing an interview with Obnoxious blog when these following text messages were released.  Allegedly, Jenkins promised to leave his wife for Griffin, which is the usual lie whenever there is an affair, because it's just lust, not love, big difference.

(There are more snapshots of these tweets at

Isn't it so very clear why homosexuals have a lot of power in America and the (black) church seems powerless to diminish the gay marriage law?  If there was more righteousness in the (black) church we could govern this country over our president, but there is too much sin similar to this specific case going on across this country and God doesn't like it.

Pastor Charles Jenkins Has Reportedly Admitted to his Church that he Had an 8-Year Adulterous Relationship with a Woman by the name of Mrs. Mundi Griffin; She Admits the Adulterous Relationship as well, but Blasts Pastor Jenkins for Lying About her Extorting him from the Pulpit to Save his Reputation

(Pastor Charles Jenkins is one of the most talented young preachers we have seen come along in a long time. It is our prayer that he and his family get healed and get the help that they need. Unfortunately, this situation is so damaging all the way around that it is our prayer he is strongly considering resigning or at least taking a long sabbatical so he and his wife can get the healing and help that they need. It is our prayer and hope that he...Read full article, here.

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Photo: Obnoxious Blog