Thursday 1 May 2014

Church Leaders, Academic Reveal Divide Among Black Christians on Homosexuality

Saints of God, this is God's doing, He has been waiting for the righteous within the black race to completely separate from rebels within the race. Since we have discovered the Devil's strategy to win more souls into hell from the beginning of slavery, throughout the civil rights era until now, we know that race is irrelevant.  There is no more unity among African Americans as long as some black people in leadership and those who follow their leaders support homosexuality, even same-sex marriage.  Furthermore, African Americans have always been divided since they took the jobs of the KKK to kill each other, all sorts of ways.

Church Leaders, Academic Reveal Divide Among Black Christians on Homosexuality

 By Nicola Menzie , Christian Post Reporter

NEW YORK — A recent panel featuring prominent church and academic leaders from various states not only led to a vibrant discussion on social justice and political issues, but...Read full article, here.

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