Sunday 4 May 2014

Celebrity News: NBA to Name New CEO for the Clippers; Team Wins in Playoffs

Now, that the NBA is about to get another CEO, we wonder what is is next?  You know, this whole subject of racism is spiritual.  Although, it's very wrong for Don Sterling to had spoke racist comments, there are many black people yet divided and refuse to listen, love and unite.   Throughout our American history, there have been many white supremacists removed and who have paid fines for their racism, but African Americans yet hate each other.   Saints of God, this is a spiritual matter and God wants us to take heed that Satan has used many blacks just like he's used whites.  In the end, who will you serve?

NBA to Name New CEO for the Clippers; Team Wins in Playoffs 
by CNN Wire

It’s been a week since the world learned that Donald Sterling had made racist remarks on audio recordings, casting a cloud over the professional basketball team he owns, the...Read full article, here.

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