Friday 30 May 2014

Although Pennsylvania Say the State May Allow Same-Sex Marriages, Black Pastors Won't Perform Them

We know God is pleased with some pastors in Pennsylvania who are standing up for what's right.  They are publicly admitting that they refuse to marry gay couples, regardless of the new law in favor of same-sex marriage.  This is the type of courage God expects among all clergy members of any race. 

According to, some Baptist ministers have stated that homosexual marriages goes against the bible. That this position still holds sway was on display earlier this month in Michigan where a similar restriction on gay marriage was deemed unconstitutional. Several Black Baptist ministers said same sex marriage was “against God,” and would “destroy the backbone/foundation” of American society. 

 In the meantime, we will keep these strong men of God in our prayers and sincerely pray there are many more others who rise up like them, across America.

Black Pastors in Pennsylvania Say the State May Allow Same-Sex Marriages, but They Will Not Perform Any Homosexual Marriage Ceremonies In Their Churches

With the federal court striking down Pennsylvania’s Defense of Marriage Act last week, gays across the commonwealth can now enjoy the benefits and pitfalls of matrimony.  And progressive politicians such as Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto are lining up to...Read full article, here.


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