Monday 26 May 2014

8 Year-Old Boy Gives Testimony About His Dream to Hell!!

This 8-year-old boy tells about his visit to hell.  Now, many of you do not believe children go to hell, but we tried to tell you about previous testimonies about people who saw little children down there.  Do you recall how Angelica Zambrano saw Michael Jackson in hell, allegedly?  This little boy saw a zombie down in hell that resembled what Jackson looked like, we suppose in one of his previous videos.  It may sound like he had a really bad dream, but we think God is using this young boy to forewarn us to live right, no matter the trials we face in life.

In the meantime, we will keep this young boy in our prayers, because he is chosen by God to preach His Word.

We could not embed the video, but here if the link
about the '8 yr old goes to hell (His testimony)


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