Tuesday 22 April 2014

Pastor Huey Harris, Former Crack Dealer Met Jesus Christ

This former crack dealer was selling drugs from the age of 12.  Pastor Huey Harris who now spreads the message of Jesus Christ tells an interesting story of how his grandmother taught him how to deal drugs.  Eventually, he not only led her to Christ, but also his parents and other family members.   His grandmother was remorseful and even apologized on her death bed as a saved woman.

You see, this is the story of many black families in America, but the only answer to stop the drug trade is to bring drug dealers to Christ.  Many of them knew nothing else growing up, because from a child, no one taught them how to make a legitimate income.  Therefore, Jesus Christ reveals how he can save many of them through the testimony of this great evangelist, Pastor Huey Harris.  Once they willingly accept Him, then others can be redeemed and then, this myth of no hope for the black community will change.

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