Thursday 24 April 2014

NYC Pastors Continue Fight Against City's Ban on Worship Services at Schools

Some pastors in New York continue to fight against the city's ban, regarding worship services at schools.  We still feel if the body of Christ had power over our government, we would not be in such a battle.  This is just one problem among many others; for example, taking prayer out of the schools, atheist fighting to remove Christian advertisements (billboards, public transportation, etc.) and even city officials banning bible study in our private homes.  Saints of God, we have been powerless for too long and the answer is becoming politicians and changing the rules of the government to remain in our favor.

NYC Pastors Continue Fight Against City's Ban on Worship Services at Schools

By Stoyan Zaimov, Christian Post Reporter

NEW YORK – Pastors in New York City are optimistic that a policy banning churches from using public schools for worship services will be reversed despite a recent court ruling upholding that policy.

Pastor William Devlin, co-chair of Right to Worship New York City, told The Christian Post Wednesday that the...Read full article, here.

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