Saturday 26 April 2014

God is Angry: Rev. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson Speak Out About LA Clippers Owner Racist Comments

One of the biggest reasons why the black community could be stagnated, is simply because of who their leaders are.  Here we go again, two famous preachers who are civil rights activists, angry because of racist comments. This time, the owner of the LA Clippers allegedly made racist comments.  God is very angry at both of them, because He's tired of them focusing on racial issues and not bringing people to repentance.  While they both are trying to fight an ancient demon of racism, most black people are dong no better while yet resenting and killing each other all sorts of ways. 

One of the main reasons why racism is still here, is because Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson are always speaking out against it, instead of turning that energy against some of the biggest haters of their own kind, black folks.  Many of them hate each other so much, they are headed for the same hell as the many white racists.  Therefore, Sharpton and Jackson are being used by Satan and they don't even know it.  How is it they both are mature men, but cannot yet see through their spiritual eye that Satan is using black people the same way he has been using white racists for a very longtime?  In our opinion, they both are not spiritually mature.  If they don't stop using this powerless tactic sent from the pit of hell, they both will reap hell, for God is very angry at both of them, including many other blacks who continue to point the finger at white racists and not look at the problem among themselves.

Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson Speak Out About LA Clippers Owner Donald Sterling’s Racist Comments

In the wake of LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling‘s purported racist comments to his half Black/Mexican girlfriend, V. Stiviano, which were caught on tape, the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are speaking out.

In a statement emailed to EURweb, here’s what Sharpton, president on...Read full article, here.

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