Wednesday 16 April 2014

Former President of Vision Forum Ministries, Sued by Kids’ Nanny for being used as sex object

The former president of Vision Forum Ministries, Doug Phillips is being sued by his kids' nanny.  She allegedly says he used her as a sex object.  If this is true, we certainly hope he repents and totally surrenders his life to Christ.  Now, Doug Phillips and his nanny were allegedly in a relationship for several years.  Didn't he know this made God very unhappy? 

According to Black Christian News, Phillips acknowledged an extramarital relationship last fall when he stepped down as president of Vision Forum Ministries, a support organization for the conservative Christian home-schooling community.  

This is not a good example to young children who are learning from the organization's learning materials, which are books, CD's, films and toys.

Doug Phillips, Former President of Vision Forum Ministries, Sued by Kids’ Nanny for Using Her as Sex Object

Lourdes Torres-Manteufel, who worked as a nanny to the eight children of home-schooling activist and church leader Doug Phillips, sued him Tuesday in state district court here, claiming he used her as a sex object in a...Read full article, here.

Source and Photo: Black Christian News



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