Saturday 19 April 2014

Church Attendance Triples Following Construction of Controversial Mosque Next Door

Now, this reminds us of 9/11 when many people returned to church, afterwards, then numbers began to decrease.  Let us not wait until something happens to be faithful to God.  Of course, we do not want to judge people who are now faithfully attending this church, which is next door to a future mosque, but we all need to realize Satan has been on a mission before the construction of this mosque. 

According to, Watts, 42, who previously pastored in Mississippi before joining Grace Baptist three years ago, said that his church has found ways to reach out to the city's Muslim and Christian Arab populations.  

In the meantime, we want to encourage Christians across America to be faithful to God, both attending church and remaining in fasting and prayer.  God bless.

Church Attendance Triples Following Construction of Controversial Mosque Next Door

By Morgan Lee , Christian Post Reporter

Dan Watts, the interim pastor at Grace Baptist Church, told The Daily News Journal that since 2011 the numbers for worship and Sunday school attendance have tripled and total giving has doubled, coinciding with the start of construction for...Read full article, here.


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