Friday 25 April 2014

Bishop Eddie L. Long and Apostle Raul Avila to Host a One of a Kind Bilingual Conference

Saints of God, Bishop Eddie Long and his good friend, Apostle Raul Avila will be holding a conference together.  It will be to unite Latin America with North America.  This is the type of event that is very rare and we know God will get the glory out of it, because He unity and not division.  However, we certainly hope many souls will be saved, because without salvation and complete surrender to God, unity cannot occur.

In the meantime, we will keep Bishop Eddie Long and Apostle Raul Avila in our prayers, along with this future conference.  God bless you SCR readers.

Bishop Eddie L. Long and Apostle Raul Avila to Host a One of a Kind Bilingual Conference Uniting Latin America with North America on May 15-18, 2014

The Kingdom and The Power of One Conference, organized jointly by Bishop Eddie L. Long and Apostle Raul Avila will open with a call for unity between Latin America and North America, as these two great men of God connect The United States with the South American Country of Chile.
The unprecedented four-day unity event will be held May 15-18, 2014 at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church at...Read full article, here.



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